Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Renal Dialysis Equipment Market in Indian Economics

Renal dialysis equipment market in India undergoes a fresh course of progress in 2016. When the Indian finance minister, Arun Jaitley declared the Budget 2016, he exempted certain segment offerings from previously applicable import duties. This directly exposed the patients in need of dialytic procedures to access better healthcare facilities at low non-insured costs.
As reported in an official release by the Press Information Bureau (PIB), each year there are around 2.2 lac new additions to the populace suffering from chronic kidney diseases in India. A majority of these confirmed that their annual out-of-pocket expenditure for availing dialysis sessions sum up to a figure of INR 3 lac. The ruling government responded by stepping up to the expectations of the people with its “National Dialysis Services Program.” This program aims at providing fund benefits to those families that cannot sustain the disbursements made towards accessing regular dialytic care for the suffering member. The government also addressed the issue of these services being concentrated within a limited number of healthcare centers. The 4,950 hubs, to provide the service, were mostly privately-owned and were kind of non-sufficient for the millions of patients in critical need of hemodialysis.
The governing agencies shortened the gap between the facility and the recipients by placing dialysis services at the district hospitals all over the country. The funds directed towards the needy patients will be provided through Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mode. Exemption from custom, excise, countervailing, and special addition duties will render the expensive parts of renal dialysis equipment more affordable.
This has struck a fascinating note in the entire renal dialysis market in India. The administration at privately owned point-of-care burdens its consumers with added maintenance charges. A huge drift is due from the said ‘quality care’ at the fancy healthcare centers towards the ‘necessary care’ at local district alternatives. Considering the density at the lower limit of the range of patients that suffer from chronic kidney diseases, the shift will hurt the large corporate names a bit. Although, the cost-reduction, effective from the current year, will definitely benefit the latter’s growth.
Dr. Rana Mehta, a partner at the Healthcare Division of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd (PwC) remarked that the program will directly impact the private and public segment. According to his forecast, a 5% cutback in final prices of dialysis equipment will boost the present 9% growth rate of public dialysis facilities and raise it up to 15–17%. While the private dialysis centers growing at a CAGR of 15% will be pushed further by 2–3%.

The Indian economy is gradually surfacing with key roles in the Asia-Pacific region. The success of the aforementioned program will bring a defining moment for the leading companies and providers in the industry. All eyes are now on the repercussions of this development on the renal dialysis equipment market in Asia-Pacific. 


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